Tuesday, August 10, 2010


It's Tuesday - what are you thankful for? Visit Laura at Heavenly Homemakers and see what others are counting their blessings for today.......
It is so easy to get caught up in the yuck and struggle of day to day, far better off are those who can find a smile in the pleasure of the ordinary and simple. I have purposed to become with God's help a seeker of the ordinary splendor in the blessings that surround me each day. This morning while enjoying my quiet time and wonderful rich cup of coffee a flock of Canada Geese - about 30 of them honked their way above the house. We have been in a flight path apparently in the past week or so and they are so wonderful to watch as they just barely clear the roof tops and happily announce themselves. This is the kind of ordinary splendor to which I am intentionally tuning my radar.....and this......

..... sweet unexpected smiles, silliness, a home filled with love and a family who delights in random acts of love and goofiness that put smiles on each other's faces. That is what I am thankful for today - and everyday.
By way of reminder - I hope you are working on having your prayer boxes, bags, jars, hats or whatever you have in mind to use ready to help me launch Prayer Box Sunday this week!! If you have not read my previous post - take a minute before you move on and do so - and then get ready and join us this Sunday! I am excited to see what God will do with this - it was His idea after all so you know it can't help but be wonderful!!

Learning as I go,


1 comment:

Martianne said...

Your eggs remind me of a lemon I made for my brother once when he needed some lemonade in life - and your prayer box idea is a good one.


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