Saturday, November 29, 2008

Abundant Thankfulness Abounds

If you know me or know even a little of my testimony you know that I am one of the blessed ones. God has painted a beautiful landscape in my life that echos what Joseph says in Genesis that what the enemy meant for harm/evil God will turn to His good purposes - I have seen it over and over in my life and I AM THANKFUL - for it is by His Grace Alone that I am who I am, doing what I am doing and living the life I am living ~~~~
In that vein let me share with you some of the many things for which I am thank filled to overflowing ~~~~
For a godly man who loves my son like he is his own.
For a wonderful man who leads our family in kindness and gentleness.
For a husband who loves me with the kind of love that every little girl's heart desires.
For a husband who gladly goes to work everyday to provide for our family.
For a husband who supports, encourages and embraces me being at home to take care of our family, home and hearth.
For a best friend who continues to amazes me in his ability to put up with me and my goofy ways.

Above all - a man who loves God and seeks him in all things.

For a child who gave me the courage and drive to fix what was so sadly broken in my life when giving up seemed the easier option.
For a boy who makes me laugh when I feel like I have no laughter left.
For a son who has me chasing my tail most days but getting up ready to do it again each morning.
For a little boy who loves his Mommy with the kind of love that God seeks to receive from his children.
For a son who gives silly a whole new definition;-)
For a living breathing example of God's miracles in my life each day.
For a child whose heart humbles me and makes me know that I am called to a much higher purpose than laundry and cooking.
For a child who had taught me that Mommy's hugs and kisses really can heal all kinds of boo boos.
And last but certainly not least for my family - the kind I never had, always wanted but never dared to hope for - I am so blessed and oh so very very Thankful ;-) God is so good, so very very good!!!

Learning as I go,


1 comment:

Buffi Young said...

Beautiful post girl!!! You are SO precious!!!!
Love you and miss you...

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