When we were looking at houses - I fell for a house that had these cute lighted niches but was otherwise not at all what we wanted - The Principal assured me that he could build me a lighted niche in any house we bought - and he true to his word he did - this is what happens in the niche at Christmas.
Now - this guy - well he does not make an appearance every year - last year he was on sabbatical - Wonder Boy was kind of creeped out by him - but this year I got the all clear - I think he is wonderful and I am glad to see him. Then there is this little man "Elfie" as he has come to be known over the years. He has held a place of honor on the top of my Christmas trees since I was maybe 3 years old - many, many years ago for those who are keeping track ;-)
This timepiece is one of my favorite ornaments - no special reason it just makes me smile and feels like Christmas to me somehow.
Santa was given to me by a friend who I truly treasure so this is one of my Christmas treasures now and it has found a regular spot here each year.
This beautiful Christmas cactus was a gift several years ago from my dear sweet neighbor across the street - she called one late chilly fall afternoon and told me that "Grandpa" needed a home that she did not have room for him inside this year - I was proud to give him a place to live - his beauty is a gift that continues to give.
And last but not least....do you have one of these in your tree? We had to re-locate our tree to the room with french doors this year - he's a trip ;-)
That concludes our tour....thanks for stopping by to take a look - please leave a comment and let me know you came by ;-)
May God richly bless each of your families with joy and peace during this wonderful, magical season.
Learning as I go,