Is that a loaded question or what?? I try daily to figure it out!! The Principal probably ponders it about his bride from time to time to I imagine ;-) Well ladies and gentlemen - today at
The Well the plan is to get to know each other better - this is my contribution. For those coming from The Well - welcome - pull up a chair and make yourself at home - I'm Leisha, wife to The Principal and Homeschooling Mom to Wonder Boy who just turned 8 years old this past Friday. For those who frequent here from other parts you know the drill and may know some of the things that I am about to share but I hope that you too will learn some new things about me - and for that matter - take a few minutes to visit
The Well and make some new friends too , from what I can gather they are a wonderful bunch of gals and so far none have bitten ;-)
So here now without further adieu in no particular order is a little bit of who I am.......

*I am a child of the Most High King
*I am an only child to my earthly parents - I have never met my earthly father and have been out of contact with my mom for several years now ( that's a whole series of posts)
*I love the rain and a good thunder storm is a wonderful thing - I find the rain romantic and poetic and love how God nourishes the earth by providing it
*I grind our flour and make our own bread and am continually striving to provide my family with healthy whole foods the way God created them
*I have been making yogurt for my family since the first of the year and will likely never buy store bought again
*I love to find ways to save money and be a good steward of the resources and provision which we are blessed with
*I don't sing well but I love to sing
*I took piano lessons as a child and don't remember much - I am hoping that some of it comes back to me as Wonder Boy begins lessons
*My favorite color is red
*My favorite perfume is
Angel by
Thierry Mugler - I know it has to smell like this in heaven - The Principal loves it too ;-)
*I married my prince- he is my best friend and truly the one that God had for me

*I have been married before - Wonder Boy is the blessing from that marriage - and a little wisdom too I suspect
*I like myself a little more with each passing year
*I want to write more
*I love books, reading them, having them around me and collecting them
*I have been blessed with a good portion of silly

*I have always wanted a
Papillon but have never had the extra $600 + to own one
*I miss my Grandmother more as I age and wish she was here to teach me many things
*If I could have one wish granted it would be to be living on a small farm and spending my days growing closer to God as I care for my family
*I love aprons
*I enjoy old black and white and western movies
*I love being a homeschooling mom and being home to be constantly learning to be the wife that The Principal deserves
*After many many years of taking my coffee with cream and sugar I now drink it black
*I have to watch the amount of time I spend online reading blogs - hours get snatched away too easily sometimes
*I love trivia games
*I am planning on working toward getting better organized before we begin 3rd grade ( any wisdom or helpful resources are most welcomed!!)
* My favorite scripture is Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God
*I would love to go to Italy and Greece
*I love words
*I want to learn to sew more usefully, quilt, paint beautifully
*I love to listen to podcasts when I drive
*I love to cook
*I love to make people laugh
*I don't have to shave my legs often they just aren't hairy - I know I know....just lucky ;-)
*I count my friendships as blessings
*Frogs make me smile
*I have been delivered from an unnatural dependency to shoulder pads - PTL
*I am ticklish
*I love the smell of skunk
*I want to be who God has called me to be so that I can truly say that is Who I Am !!
Hope you learned something - I would love to hear your reaction - please let me know you came by ;-)
Learning as I go,