The Principal is going to be going out of town on business - he will be gone almost a week - the longest we have been apart since we have been married. I miss him already!! In thinking about him leaving and being filled with all kinds of emotion I of course have resolved to keep him covered in prayer while he is away from home. I pray for him as part of my regular prayer time, but not the kind of prayer that I would classify as "out of town, away from home prayer". This has gotten me thinking - one of the largest contributing factors to the breakdown of healthy whole families today is the lack of men stepping up to their role as head of their households. As women we instinctively nurture in most cases, but men have in many homes been emasculated and dishonored in their roles of husbands and fathers. This is, in my opinion a generational curse that is at the root of many of the problems that we suffer from in society as we know it today!! Ok - that is a pretty bold and loaded statement but one I believe to be true. I feel that there is a call from the Lord to bring men back to their God destined roles as head of their homes. As women, what can we do ? What role do we play? Oh my, the possibilities abound!! We are called to under gird and support, to love, honor & cherish (that should sound familiar) and to be help meets to our husbands. Life gets busy and our days are full, but if you really stop and break it down and think about it - how can we have a godly home without the leadership of our husbands in their rightful place.

SO....the challenge ? Pray - really pray- daily, everyday - "out of town, away from home prayer". I came across a website that challenges a
30 day period of prayer, during which time they will keep you encouraged and inspired via email. I have signed up. I challenge you to do the same. Just think about what could happen if wives would pray for their husbands, rather than complaining about them to their friends and family members ( this by the way seems to be in epidemic proportions), if we lifted them before our Heavenly Father daily and sought His favor on their lives. If we were encouragers to them, if we did little things to inspire them to seek to grow in their roles of husbands and fathers. Ladies, are you with me here? Can you see what this could lead to? Healing, wholeness, strong families, my goodness, the potential is limitless!!
So please consider my challenge, and if you do choose to join me and I pray that you will, please let me know that you are standing with me on this - what a blessing that would be if we can encourage each other in our prayer journey!!
Our role as wives is well defined......The Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18
Thank you for allowing me to share what is on my heart, I pray it stirs you to action ;-)
Seeking to Reflect His Goodness,
I'm not *supposed* to be visiting blogs this week but I saw this on bloglines and wanted to let you know I downloaded the file, too... ;)
I will check it out too! thanks for the encouragement!!! You're a blessing!
Love ya,
Also imagine what happens when menfolk, in their priestly role, pray and intercede for each member of their household daily - at home and when away.
Good on you, Leisha, for making statements of (and with) strong conviction.
May the Lord bless you - and welcome to the "Keepers at Home" blogring. -
ahhhh!!! I read this at lunch today and I have signed up for the daily challenge. Thank you so much for telling me about this! I love you my friend!
Looks like I am a little behind on your blog, but I wanted to let you know I signed up for the challenge! I think it is SO important as wives for us to pray and encourage our spouse as they have so much on their mind and hearts that they need us to pray for them daily. Great Blog my friend!
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