I don't think I have openly addressed my burning desire to live in the country here in this particular forum. Those of you who know me personally, know that it is a daily part of my existence. We are s-l-o-w-l-y making plans and working to that end. I have 4 books waiting for me at the local public library right now that are going to help educate us about raising chickens and cows - I know it's goofy isn't it? I grew up in a city of 3.5 million people and I want to live with chickens and goats? But can I tell you how it makes me smile.....it makes me feel connected to things I have spent the majority of my life disconnected from and it makes me feel alive.
I get giddy making soap, yogurt, grinding my own flour and preparing wonderful yummy things with it! I love this time of year when I can pop out the back door to the garden and snip some fresh dill and chives to put in my mashed potatoes like I did last night for dinner. It all just makes me happy..... nature, old fashioned traditional cooking, simple pleasures and handcrafted goodies all whisper come, come. I have so much to learn but the amount I have to learn is nothing compared to my desire to learn it - a good starting point wouldn't you say? The list of things I want to tackle grows every time I get a chance to poke around on some of the fabulous blogs out there ;-) I want to make root beer, ginger beer and rose petal jelly and a gorgeous patchwork quilt out of Wonder Boy's old blue jeans (which by the way I have been saving for years now for just that reason), I want to cross stitch and crochet and make potpourri, I want to raise chickens and hang laundry out in the breeze (grounds for disciplinary action in our sub-division) and that is just scratching the surface......
For now our weekend farm hunting, country exploring drives will have to sustain me and for now they do, old barns and happy grazing cows and a beautiful old mailbox covered in a multitude of buttons of every size, shape and color and this........
I really don't think it gets a whole lot better than this!! If you happen to have an old jalopy that needs a home, maybe we can talk after the move........
Learning as I go,
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