So..... let me just jump right in and tell you about our devotion and prayer time. We talked today about 'Jesus Love' the kind of love that loves even when it is hard and not what comes naturally. We talked about how we all know people that we have a hard time being nice to and feeling much love towards and then we talked about how we can show that 'Jesus Love' to them even when it's hard or we just flat out don't want to. The good news here is that the more we purpose to be like Him the more we draw oursleves to Him!! Go ahead and add an extra prayer to your regular prayer time for someone who in the flesh you have been hurt by or for whatever reason just do not like - I dare you! If you will commit to consistently pray for them for a period of time say one month, I would venture to say that you will no longer feel the animosity and disdain for them that you did when you began praying for them - in fact - I would go so far as to say that your heart has been softened to them and that you are loving then with a 'Jesus kind of Love' !!
Our prayers for this week are varied. WonderBoy is praying for my family in Canada, The Principal is praying for Peace & Harmony in Our Home (sorry if you were under the mistaken illusion that we have that at all times - we don't, but we sure love it when we do so praying for more seemed like the logical thing to do), I am praying for Our Public Servants - Military, Police, Paramedics, School Bus Drivers & Crossing Guards and anything else that the Lord brings to mind this week. As a family we have another great one this week!! The Lord seems to really bring those to us to share each week and I love that! We are praying for Our Relationship with Him ;-) Both as a family and individually, isn't that a great Family Prayer?? ;-)
WonderBoy did a wonderful thing this week by reaching out in love to a boy in his Wednesday night class at church who tends to be a bit of a bully to the other kids. This plan was formulated during our time together last Sunday, when we talked about Zacchaeus and how unepected kindness is a wonderful way to share the good news of God's love. WonderBoy chose to walk out an unexpected kindness and he was the one who ended blessed by it. This is the fruit we seek for ourselves and our children - this is the fruit that brings a sweet fragrance and a smile to the face of the One who made us!
I will leave this up for whenever you feel led to participate -please link your post here and share what your Prayer Box had for you and your family today!! We all need to encourage each other in our journeys, you never know when what you have to share may be just what someone needs! God is just like that!! ;-)
Learning as I go,
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